Exact Online | 7 November 2022
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Exact Online link with Tribe CRM

Do you use Exact Online for your administration? Then the link between Tribe CRM and Exact Online will save you a lot of time. Mistakes that might have been made by manually entering relationships are a thing of the past. Moreover, thanks to the extensive integration, invoices in Tribe CRM are also automatically generated in Exact Online. The link is available for the Dutch, Belgian and German versions of Exact Online.

  1. What functionalities does the link with Exact Online have?
  2. What additional functionalities does the link with Exact Online Commerce have?
  3. I work with sales orders in Exact Online, what does this mean for the link?
  4. How do I activate the link?
  5. Deactivation and deletion of data
  6. What data is synchronised?

1 What functionalities does the link with Exact Online have?

The Exact Online connection consists of three parts

  • Relationship synchronisation
  • Product synchronisation
  • Invoice synchronisation

Relationship synchronisation
When activating the link, the initial synchronisation automatically loads the customers and suppliers from Exact Online into Tribe CRM. Here, a duplicate check is performed on the existing relationships in Tribe CRM. This check is performed based on a unique ID from Exact Online. If no relationship is found based on this ID, an additional check is performed based on debtor/creditor number.  If no relationship is found based on this, then a check is performed on the following fields; organisation name, postcode, house number and addition. Inactive relationships are not synchronised to Tribe CRM.

After the initial synchronisation, new relationships and changes to existing relationship data are automatically updated. Both from Tribe CRM to Exact Online and vice versa. Synchronisation takes place based on the unique ID in Exact Online.

A new customer or supplier will always get a debtor or creditor number in Tribe CRM. When you use Exact Online linking, this number will be overwritten with the debtor or creditor number assigned by Exact Online.

Product synchronisation
The linkage also provides for the synchronisation of products. Like relationships, products are also kept the same in both applications
via a two-way synchronisation. Here, the check for duplicates is performed on the ID of Exact Online.

Invoice synchronisation
We assume that you create and send invoices from Tribe CRM. When an invoice has the status “sent” in Tribe CRM, it is automatically synchronised as a sales entry to Exact Online. We make sure you have all the up-to-date information complete by also adding the invoice document to the entry in Exact Online. That way, you have an open item in Exact Online waiting to be paid. After payment, you can change the status of the invoice in Tribe CRM or in Exact Online. In both cases, the status will be updated automatically.

2 Exact Online Commerce

Are you using Exact Online for Trading Companies? Then we will provide you with a number of additional features, namely:

  • Insight into stock in sales opportunity
  • Price list synchronisation
  • Sales orders instead of invoices

Insight into your stock

When you add a product in Tribe CRM in the sales opportunity activity, the product’s stock from Exact Online Commerce will automatically be shown in the sales opportunity line. This way, you immediately have insight into whether a product is in stock or not.

N.B. Stock synchronisation is performed once a night. If you want to know the current stock for a particular product, it is also possible to do a manual synchronisation. You do this by clicking on the synchronisation button in the products at your sales opportunity.

Price list synchronisation

Customer-specific price agreements recorded in Exact Online Commerce are synchronised to Tribe CRM. When adding products to the sales opportunity, the agreed price per customer is calculated for each specific item.

N.B. The synchronisation of price agreements is performed once a night. In the settings of the link, it is also possible to start the synchronisation manually.

3 I work with sales orders in Exact Online, what does this mean for the link?

Sales orders instead of invoices

In Tribe CRM, you use invoices by default. To synchronise with sales orders in Exact Online, it is necessary to activate the ‘Sales order’ activity in Tribe CRM.

  1. Open the configuration
  2. Navigate to activities
  3. Deactivate the activity bill by turning off the slider
  4. Activate the sales order activity by turning on the slider

You will see that the various invoice buttons in the application have now been replaced for the Sales Order button. When a sales order has the status ‘linked’ in Tribe CRM, it will be synchronised as a sales order to Exact Online. In addition, the sales order document will also be added in Exact Online.

4 How can I activate the link?

Tip: Before you start using the link in practice, you can first test it by creating a test administration in Exact Online. You can then link this to your Tribe CRM (Test) account.

Please note! Do you already have data in your financial records and in your Tribe environment? First check whether the correct debtor and creditor numbers have been entered for the customers and suppliers in Tribe CRM. This is to avoid duplicates after the initial import.

  1. Open the Marketplace at the top right of your screen
  2. Go to the Finance tab and select Exact Online
  3. Activate the link by clicking on “Activate”
  4. Select the country for the correct version of the Exact Online administration.
  5. Click on login and enter the username and password of the Exact environment to be linked in the pop-up window
  6. Link the correct general ledger accounts and VAT groups. (The VAT codes defined in Tribe CRM must be linked to the correct VAT codes and general ledger accounts in Exact Online. Which VAT codes need to be linked depends on the country of your own organisation’s visiting address. Furthermore, only the general ledger accounts of type ‘revenue’ from Exact Online are synchronised).
  7. After activation, the initial synchronisation is immediately started from Exact Online to Tribe CRM. Depending on the size of your administration, this may take some time.

5 Deactivation and deletion of data

Over time, of course, you may need to clean up relationship or product data.

Deletion of data

If you delete data from Tribe, it is important to note that the link will never delete data from Exact Online.  Conversely, this is also the case. When you delete data from Exact Online, this data will never be deleted from Tribe CRM.

Deactivation of data

When you deactivate a relationship in Exact Online, it is not currently processed in Tribe CRM with the status ‘former’. The relationship remains active.

When you deactivate a product in Exact Online, it is processed in Tribe CRM with the status ‘inactive’. This action is updated almost immediately in Exact Online.

6 Which data is synchronised?

The following fields from Tribe CRM are synchronised:


  • Name of organisation
  • Street, house number and house number addition
  • Postal code, city
  • Country
  • Phone
  • Email address
  • Website
  • Debit number
  • Credit number
  • Relationship type: Customer and/or supplier
  • ID

Contact person:

  • First name
  • Insert
  • Surname
  • Title
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Mobile
  • ID


  • Product name
  • Unit (default setting per piece)
  • Product group (set by default on Exact online)
  • Purchase price
  • Sale price
  • Code
  • Stock (only for Exact Online Commerce)
  • Price lists (only for Exact Online Commerce)