General | 7 November 2022
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How do I change the background picture on my dashboard?

What kind of background do you have on your computer? A nice holiday photo or one of the children, or do you prefer the peace and quiet of an empty background? Nothing is as personal as taste, and that includes the background of your computer. Just like the background in Tribe CRM. Follow the steps in this article to set your personalised background.

1 Where do I set my background?

As mentioned, your background is something personal, so setting the background is also done in your personal settings. The best results are achieved with a landscape photo.

  1. At the top right of the screen, click on your employee icon.
  2. Select the personal settings option.
  3. Open the personal data in the detail panel.
  4. Then open the field group
  5. Click drop a photo in the workplace background field.
  6. Your background is instantly refreshed.